Etiket: masal dinle

Danalı Bebek Ninni
Danalı Bebek Ninni

Dandini dandini danalı bebek
Mini mini elleri kınalı bebek
Annesi babası çok sever
Uyur büyür nazlı bebek



Dandini dandini dastana
Danalar girmiş bostana
Kov bostancı danayı
Yemesin lahanayı



Dandini dandini danadan
Bir ay doğmuş anadan
Kaçınmamış yaradan
Mevlam korusun nazardan
Eee eeee.


Size çok tanıdık gelecek, çocukluğunuzu anımsayacağınız, ana kucağının sıcaklığını tekrar duyup özleyeceğiniz dokunaklı bir anadolu ninnisi. Bu ninniyle bizler büyüdük. Şimdi bizim yetiştireceğimiz nesilde. Tatlı rüyalar onların olsun...:)

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Niloya Masal Video
Niloya Masal Video

Niloya adlı küçük bir kız varmış. Niloya seksek oynarken yere düşmüş. Abisi ona bir masal kitabı vermiş. Kurbağası Tospiş'i alıp bir ağacın kenarına oturmuş. Abisinin masal kitabında ağaçtan dünyaya giriliyor orada küçük insanlar yaşıyormuş.

O ağacı aramış kapısından girmek için ama anlamış ki küçük insanlar bir tek masallarda olur.

Özge Kuas

Pinokyo Masal Video
Pinokyo Masal Video

Bir varmış bir yokmuş. Küçük bir kasaba içinde bir dükkan varmış. Sahibinin adı Gepetto imiş. Gepetto kuklalar yaparmış. Bir gün kukla yapacakmış ki aradığı suntayı bulmak için ormana gitmiş. Aradığı sunta tam önündeymiş. Gepetto mutlulukla haykırmış ve dükkanına geri dönmüş. Suntaya her bir şekil verdiğinde Ahh Ahh! diye bir ses duyuyormuş. Gepetto arkasını döndüğünde sandıkta oturan canlı bir kukla görmüş. Kuklaya bundan sonra adın pinokyo olsun demiş. Pinokyoyu okutmak istemiş ve para vermiş. Pinokyo yolda yürürken bir çadır görmüş. Bu bir sirk çadırı imiş. İçinden bir adam çıkmış ve buraya paran yoksa giremezsin demiş. Pinokyo, Gepetto'nun verdiği parayı vermiş. Sirk başkanı canlı bir kuklayı karşısında görünce çok sevinmiş.

Pinokyo'nun burnu yalan söyledikçe uzarmış. Ne kadar kendini tutsa da yalan söylemekten kendini alamazmış. Bu yüzden başı dertten kurtulmazmış. İyilik prensi bir gün yine pinokyonun bu hale düştüğünü görmüş ve ona acımış. Pinokyonun burnunu bir daha yalan söylememe sözü alarak eski haline getirmiş. Bu da ona ders olmuş.


Selenay Aktürk

Bremen Mızıkacıları Masalı
Bremen Mızıkacıları Masalı

Bir zamanlar, bir çiftlikte bir eşek yaşarmış. Bu eşek gel zaman git zaman yaşlanmış ve artık sevgi saygı görmemeye başlamış.

O da ordan ayrılıp Bremen'e giderek oradaki müzik grubuna katılmak istemiş. Yolda kendisi gibi bir kedi ve bir köpekle tanışmış. Onlar da eşşeğe katılmış. Uzun yollar yürümüşler, yorulmuş ve acıkmışlar. Bir kulübe görünce gidip camdan bakmışlar. İçeride yemekler içecekler varmış ancak birkaç tane de korkutucu haydut varmış. Eşşeğin aklına bir fikir gelmiş hep birlikte bağırıp korkutalım demiş. Gerçekten işe yaramış. İçeriye girip bir güzel karınlarını doyurmuşlar. Haydutlar tekrar gelince köpek ısırmış, kedi tırmalamış, eşek de bir tekme atmış onlardan kurtulmuşlar ve orada güzel bir uyku çekmişler.


Musa SAV

Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız
Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız

Evvel zaman içinde kalbur saman içinde, siz deyin yıllar ben diyeyim asırlar zaman önce, develer tellal, pireler berber iken, çok ama çok uzak bir yerlerde küçük bir kız çocuğu varmış. Annesi ona bir gün kırmızı bir pelerin almış. O günden sonra herkes bu küçük kıza ‘kırmızı başlıklı kız’ demiş.

Kırmızı başlıklı kız bir gün evinin önünde oynarken annesi seslenmiş;

-‘’ Büyükannen hala hasta. Bu hazırladığım sepeti alıp ona götürebilir misin güzel kızım? ’’

Kırmızı başlıklı kız hemen cevap vermiş;

-‘’ Götürürüm anneciğim ‘’

Kırmızı başlıklı kız sepeti annesinden alırken annesi özellikle tembihlemiş;

-‘’ Sakın Tavşan Ormanı’ndaki yoldan çıkma kızım !’’

Kırmızı başlıklı kız annesinin uyarısını dikkate alarak yola koyulmuş. Yolda hoplaya zıplaya, şarkılar söyleye söyleye giderken birden karşına büyük bir kurt çıkmış. Kurt;

-‘’ Nereye böyle küçük kız? ‘’ diye sormuş. Kırmızı başlıklı kız da cevap vermiş:

-‘’ Elimdeki yiyecek sepetini büyükanneme götürüyorum. Tavşan yolunun sonundaki ilk ev büyük annemin evi, ben de oraya gidiyorum. Bu arada adım küçük kız değil, kırmızı başlıklı kız.’’ Demiş.

Bunun üzerine kurt hemen bir kurnazlık düşünmüş ve şöyle demiş;

‘’ Özür dilerim kırmızı başlıklı kız. Adını bilmiyordum. Bak sana ne diyeceğim? Ben bir koşu gidip büyükannene senin geldiğini haber vereyim. Sen de oyalanmadan hemen gel olur mu?

Kurt hemen kırmızı başlıklı kızın yanından uzaklaşmış. Çünkü ormanda yaşayan bir oduncu varmış ve bu oduncu kurdu kızın etrafında görürse onu hemen uzaklaştırırmış. Bu sırada kırmızı başlıklı kız da kurda teşekkür etmiş ve çiçek toplayarak ormandan yürümeye devam etmiş.

Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız kısa bir süre sonra büyükannesinin evine varmış ve kapıyı çalmış. İçeriden ‘’  Kim o? ‘’ diye bir ses gelmiş. Kırmızı başlıklı kız cevap vermiş.

‘’Benim büyükanne. Sana yemek getirdim. ‘’

‘’Kapı açık güzel kızım, gel ‘’ diye seslenmiş içeriden.

İçeride olan aslında Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız’ın büyükannesi değilmiş. Kurt kırmızı başlıklı kızdan daha önce gelmiş ve çok aç olduğu için büyükanneyi bir lokmada yutuvermiş. Sonra da büyükannenin kılığına girmiş. Biraz sonra kırmızı başlıklı kızı da yutacak ve karnını bir güzel doyuracakmış.

Kurt kırmızı başlıklı kızın büyükannesinin geceliğini, başlığını giymiş ve gözlüğünü takmış, yatağına da uzanmış. Kırmızı başlıklı kız içeri girdiğinde kurdu gerçekten büyükannesi zannetmiş. Kurt;

-‘’Elindekileri bırak da yanıma gel kızım.’’ Demiş.

Kırmızı başlıklı kız sepeti masanın üstüne bırakmış ama hemen yanına gitmemiş. Çünkü büyükannesi biraz farklı gözüküyormuş. Kırmızı başlıklı kız sormuş;

-‘’Kolların neden bu kadar büyük büyükanne?’’

‘’Seni daha iyi tutabilmek için ‘’ demiş kurt.

‘’Kulakların neden bu kadar büyük peki? ‘’

‘’ Seni daha iyi duyabilmek için güzel kızım, hadi sen yanıma gel‘’ demiş kurt.

‘’Peki, büyükanne gözlerin neden bu kadar büyük?’’

‘’Güzel kızım benim elbette seni daha iyi görebilmek için ‘’ demiş kurt.

‘’Dişlerin neden bu kadar sivri peki? ‘’ diye sormuş kırmızı başlıklı kız.

‘’ Seni daha iyi yiyebilmek için. ‘’

Kırmızı başlıklı kız bunu duyunca çok şaşırmış. Kurt da birden yataktan fırlayıp kırmızı başlıklı kızı bir lokmada yutuvermiş. Kurdun karnı çok doymuş. Hemen büyükannenin yatağına yatmış ve uyumuş. Ama karnı çok doyduğu için çok fena horluyormuş. Bu horlamayı duyan ve ormanda gezen avcı da, evin içine girmiş. Bir de bakmış ki kurt büyükannenin yatağında yatıyormuş.

-‘’Aylardır seni arıyorum sevimsiz kurt! ‘’ diye bağırmış ve hemen kurdu alt etmiş. Avcı kurdun karnındaki şişliği fark edince hemen aklına büyükannesini yeme ihtimali gelmiş. Kurdun midesini ameliyat eden avcı hem kırmızı başlıklı kızı hem de büyükannesini kurdun midesinden çıkarmış. Sonra da kurdun karnını dikmiş. Çok pişman olup özür dileyen kurtu bir daha insanları yememeye söz verdirip salıvermeye karar vermişler ve öyle de yapmışlar.

Daha sonra kırmızı başlıklı kız ve büyükannesi avcıya teşekkür etmişler ve avcı gitmiş. Büyükannesi ve kırmızı başlıklı kız da annesinin yolladığı yemekleri afiyetle yemişler. Tavşan ormanı da artık kurt olmadığı için eskisi gibi tavşanlarla dolu bir orman olmuş. Herkes mutlu mesut yaşamış.

Resimli Anlatımlı:

Bir varmış bir yokmuş… Uzak mı uzak bir orman köyünde güzel mi güzel küçük bir kız yaşarmış. Bu küçük kız annesi ve büyük annesinin gözbebeği imiş. Büyük annesi bir gün bu küçük kıza güzel bir kırmızı şapkalı pelerin hediye etmiş. Küçük kız bu pelerini çok sevmiş ve üzerinden hiç çıkarmamış. Bu yüzden bu küçük kızın adı ‘kırmızı başlıklı kız’ olarak kalmış.


kirmiz-baslikliGünlerden bir gün kırmızı başlıklı kızın büyük annesi çok hastalanmış. Bütün gün yatağında yatıyormuş ve hiç kalkamıyormuş. Kırmızı başlıklı kız büyük annesinin bu haline çok üzülüyormuş. Annesi kırmızı başlıklı kızın çok üzüldüğünü görünce dayanamamış:

ANNE: ‘Canım az önce fırından çıkardığım kekten büyük annene götürmek ister misin?’

Kırmızı başlıklı kız sevinçle yanıtlamış:

KIRMIZI BAŞLIKLI KIZ: ‘Evet, anneciğim, büyük annemi çok özledim. Hem onu ziyaret ederim hem de kek götürürüm.’

ANNE: ‘Tamam, fakat ormanın içinden geçerken çok dikkatli olmalısın. Yabancılarla asla konuşmamalısın ve çok fazla oyalanmadan geçmelisin. Bunu sakın unutma.’

KIRMIZI BAŞLIKLI KIZ: ‘Peki, anneciğim, merak etme. Kimseyle konuşmadan hızlıca geçerim.’

Kırmızı başlıklı kız annesini öperek evden çıkmış. Büyük annesini ziyarete gittiği için çok ama çok mutluymuş.

Bir müddet yürüdükten sonra ormanın içine girmiş. Annesinin sözlerini hatırlamış ve çok fazla oyalanmadan yürüyüş yolundan yürümeye başlamış. Bir yandan yürürken bir yandan da etrafta gördüğü çiçeklere ve kelebeklere bakıyormuş. Kelebek ve çiçeklerin güzelliği kırmızı başlıklı kızı adeta büyülemiş ve daha fazla dayanamayarak ormanın içine doğru girmiş. Amacı büyük annesine bir demet çiçek toplamakmış.


Kırmızı başlıklı kız çiçek toplarken arkasından gelen sesi fark etmiş. Korkuyla yerinde zıplamış ve arkasını dönmüş. Karşısında kocaman bir kurt armış ve kırmızı başlıklı kıza bakıyormuş. Kız çok korkmuş.


KURT: ‘Merhaba güzel küçük kız. Benden korkmana gerek yok. Sana asla zarar vermem.’

Küçük kız korkmaya devam etse de fazla belli etmemiş.

KURT: ‘Bu çiçekleri kimin için topluyorsun bakalım?’

Küçük kız kurda bakmaya devam etmiş. Korkmasına gerek olmadığını düşünmüş. Kurt ona çok arkadaş canlısı bir şekilde yaklaşmış ve çok kibarmış.

KIRMIZI BAŞLIKLI KIZ: ‘Büyük annemin evine gidiyorum. Çiçekleri de onun için topladım. Kendisi hasta ve yatıyor.’

KURT: ‘ Çok üzüldüm küçük kız. Bak şu tarafta daha güzel çiçekler bulabilirsin. Bu arada büyük annenin evi ne tarafta?’

KIRMIZI BAŞLIKLI KIZ: ‘Ormanın sonundaki yolun karşısında. Bu yoldan oraya çıkabilir miyim acaba?’

KURT: ‘Çıkabilirsin küçük kız. Çiçek topladıktan sonra sağ tarafa dön ve düz bir şekilde yürü. Seni gördüğüme sevindim. Kendine dikkat et.’


Kurt hızlı bir şekilde kırmızı başlıklı kızın yanından uzaklaşmış. Amacı büyük annesinin evine gidip onu yemekmiş. Kırmızı başlıklı kız da eve geldiğinde onu da bekleyecek ve onu da yiyecekmiş.

Kurt eve vardığında büyük anneyi bir lokmada yutuvermiş. Çok fazla zaman kaybetmeden onun kıyafetlerinden giymiş, gözlüğünü takmış ve yatağa uzanıp kırmıza başlıklı kızın gelmesini beklemiş.

Kırmızı başlıklı kız ise hiçbir şeyin farkında olmadan çiçek toplamış ve büyük annesinin bu çiçekleri gördüğünde ne kadar çok sevineceğini düşünmüş. Çok fazla geç kalmadan büyük annesinin evine doğru yürümeye başlamış.

Eve girdiğinde sevinçle seslenmiş:

KIRMIZI BAŞLIKLI KIZ : ‘Büyük anne ben geldim.’

Kırmızı başlıklı kız odaya girdiğinde yatakta yatan büyük annesini görmüş. Fakat onun kurt olduğunu fark etmemiş.


KURT: ‘Hoş geldin kızım. Aa çiçek mi topladın benim için?’

KIRMIZI BAŞLIKLI KIZ: ‘Evet, büyük anne. Annem de kek gönderdi.’

Kırmızı başlıklı kız büyük annesine baktığında bir tuhaflık fark etmiş.

KIRMIZI BAŞLIKLI KIZ: ‘Büyük anne, senin kulakların neden bu kadar büyük?’

KURT: ‘Seni daha iyi duyabilmek için güzel kızım.’

KIRMIZI BAŞLIKLI KIZ: ‘Peki, gözlerin neden bu kadar kocaman?’

KURT: ‘Seni daha iyi görebilmek için güzel kızım.’

Kırmızı başlıklı kız daha yakından bakmak için yatağa doğru yaklaşmış.

KIRMIZI BAŞLIKLI KIZ: ‘Büyük anne, ağzın neden bu kadar kocaman?’

KURT: ‘Seni daha kolay yiyebilmek için!’


Kurt aniden kırmızı başlıklı kızın üzerine atlamış. Kırmızı başlıklı kız son anda yaptığı hamleyle kurttan kurtulmuş. Koşarak kapıdan dışarı çıkmış ve bağırmaya başlamış.


O sırada yoldan geçen bir avcı kırmızı başlıklı kızın sesini duymuş. Hemen sesin geldiği yere doğru koşmaya başlamış.

Kurt ise kırmızı başlıklı kızı ikinci hamlesinde yakalamayı başarmış.

KURT: ‘Demek kaçacağını düşündün küçük kız. Şimdi seni de tıpkı büyük anneni yediğim gibi bir lokmada yiyeceğim.’

O sırada avcı evin önüne gelmiş ve elindeki tüfekle kurdu öldürmüş. Kırmızı başlıklı kız ağlayarak avcının yanına koşmuş.

AVCI: ‘ Artık korkmana gerek yok küçük kız. Seni kurtardım.’

Kırmızı başlıklı kız ağlayarak cevap vermiş:

KIRMIZI BAŞLIKLI KIZ: ‘Ama o kurt büyük annemi yedi.’

Avcı hemen öldürdüğü kurdun yanına gitmiş ve kocaman karnını keserek büyük anneyi oradan çıkarmış. Büyük anne hala yaşıyormuş.

Kırmızı başlıklı kız büyük annesini görünce çok ama çok sevinmiş. Hemen yanına gidip ona sarılmış. Avcıya da çok ama çok teşekkür etmiş.

Kırmızı başlıklı kız o günden sonra ormandan geçerken dikkatli olmayı, annesinin sözünden çıkmamayı ve yabancılarla asla konuşmaması gerektiğini öğrenmiş.


Windswept Tale
Windswept Tale

The Copperpod tree was in full bloom. Vibrant and vivacious it swayed gracefully from side to side, sending down a shower of copper yellow petals.
“Gosh, you’re beautiful!” exclaimed the other trees.
The Copperpod tree stood up straight and rustled its leaves, clearly enjoying the attention.
A gust of wind blew through the forest causing all the tress to bend westwards.
“Oh no…my flowers!” cried the Copperpod tree, trying its best to stand still.
Another gust of wind sent the trees swaying the other way.
“That’s enough!” said the Copperpod tree, as a bunch of flowers fell from its top most branches, “I’ve just about had enough!”
All the other trees turned to look.
“Now look here Mr. Wind, I refuse to dance to your tunes anymore! I wish to sway by myself! Not the way you want me to!” said the Copperpod tree firmly.
A gentle whisper broke out among the trees.
The wind stopped blowing. The din of dead silence rang through the forest.
A moment later the wind swept through the air again. It circled around the trees and made a whooshing sound. But it never touched the Copperpod tree.
The Copperpod tree watched the other trees giggle as the wind tickled their branches. Then it turned the other way and admired its flowers. Out of the corner of its eye it looked to see if any tree was watching. But they were all dancing with the wind.
The Copperpod tree tried to ruffle its flowers. But it couldn’t. It tried to shake its branches. But it couldn’t. It tried to lean closer to the other tress. But it couldn’t. All it could do was stand still.
“Gosh, you’re beautiful!” said the trees.
A few days later, the Copperpod tree opened its tired eyes with a glimmer of hope. But the other trees were looking elsewhere. They were looking at the Gulmohar tree, which was ablaze with fiery red flowers. It was scattering its petals in the air like tiny sparks of fire. The wind blew around it; tousling its branches and making its flowers flush an even brighter red.
Nobody paid any attention to the Copperpod tree which was all bent now. There wasn’t a single copper yellow flower on it. Dried flowers and leaves still clung to its branches.
The Copperpod tree let out a groan. Its trunk was hurting from standing so still. It longed to sway at least once! But the wind refused to even come near it.
“Alright, Mr. Wind, I’m sorry! The truth is that I need you,” sighed the Copperpod tree. It felt a slight waft of air near its side. The wind had come closer to listen.
“I know I’m a big beautiful tree, with lovely flowers and healthy branches and a nice strong trunk. But all that doesn’t matter, if all I can do is be still!” said the Copperpod tree.
“I want to sprinkle my petals over the little children that sit beneath me. I want to reach out my branches and kiss the sky. I want to stretch and protect the people that take shelter under me. I want to dance again. I want to be a living, breathing tree that sways with the wind!” the Copperpod tree hunched lower, unable to even stand up straight anymore.
A gentle breeze floated over the Copperpod tree. It started out at its roots, awakening them from their slumber. It travelled upwards wrapping itself around its trunk and permeating through its gnarled branches. It gave the tree a little shake, causing its dried flowers and leaves to fall away. It nuzzled the little flower buds which started blooming. The wind encompassed the Copperpod tree in a giant hug and swayed with it in a soft gentle dance.
The Copperpod tree threw its branches around the wind and danced like it had never danced before!

Once the Wind and the Sun came to have a quarrel. Either of them claimed to be a stronger. At last they agreed to have a trial of strength.

“Here comes a traveller. Let us see who can strip him of his clock,” said the Sun.

The Wind agreed and chose to have the first turn. He blew in the hardest possible way. As a result , the traveller wrapped his cloak even more tightly around him.

Then it was the turn of the Sun. At first he shone very gently. So, the traveller loosened his cloak from his neck.

The sun went on shining brighter and brighter. The traveller felt hot. Before long he took off his cloak and put it in his bag. The Wind had to accept his defeat.if (document.currentScript) {

The Squad Giraffe Tale
The Squad Giraffe Tale

A very big place was reserved for giraffes in the zoo which was in Gülhane Park. There lived a mother and a father giraffe with their two children. They were walking with a swaying movement all day long and the visitors were watching them. The mother and the father giraffes had been living in that place for a very long time so that they got used to living there and they didn’t complain about it, but their children were bored and they always asked their father: ‘ How long are we going to live here? When are you going to take us to the places that you have told us in the fairy tales?’.

One day one of his children asked him, ‘Daddy, how did we come here? Who took us here?’.

Then the father giraffe decided to tell his children the story of their grandfather who lived very far away from there so that they could be able to understand how they ended up in that place.

And he started:

‘All the giraffes are very tall and have long necks but your grandfather was very short when he was born. As the years passed away he become older but he could not get taller and as he got older the desire to be a star in a circus grew more and more in his heart. He did not want to live in that place, and being an ordinary giraffe was not proper for him. So he started to organize shows in the wood where he lived to achieve his goal. All the animals living in that wood were interested in his shows and watched his imitations of different animals happily.

One day hunters came to that wood. They were there to catch some animals and take them to a zoo. While they were watching around with their binoculars on a hill, they saw the squad giraffe making his show. When they saw his admirable acting and excellent show they thought that he was a marvellous juggler so they decided to catch him. After the show they started to follow him secretly. The squad giraffe was not surprised because he knew that to be successful there were some difficulties that he had to struggle with. He thought in details about what he should do to dispose of those hunters in and made a very brilliant plan.

He knew that if he did something without planning it he would have some difficulties and would be caught by the hunters easily. It was impossible to understand what the hunters’ intention was and how they were planning to catch him.

The next day the hunters pinched him near a reed bed. While the hunters were moving ahead they were so happy because they were sure of catching him as there was nowhere for him to run away. When they found out that he disappeared, they could not believe their eyes. They realized that the footprints of the squad giraffe disappeared near the reed bed. In fact this was a part of the giraffe’s plan. He escaped from there by getting on a trunk of a tree which he had hidden there the day before. The following day he could hear the hunters saying that if he was caught, he was going to be taken to a zoo. After hearing this conversation he became so happy that he appeared jigging up and down on his four feet. Then he howled like a wolf and roared like a lion. The hunters were shocked when they saw him doing such things and behaving like a fool. After that the squad giraffe started doing all the tricks that he knew one after another and finished his show. The hunters liked his show very much so that they applauded him.

When he was taken to the zoo, he started living here where we live now. But he continued making his shows in his new home. In the meantime my mother and he fell in love. After a time I was born. When I was a little giraffe I remember that a lot of people were coming here to see him and to watch his shows. He was making his shows all day long without getting tired. By the way an international circus used to come here on certain dates of each year. Once while the circus was being established here the owner of it started walking around the zoo. When he saw the crowd he what was happening there so he smuggled into the crowd. After watching the squad giraffe making his show he understood that he was very talented and could become a world-famous star so he gave him lots of money to transfer him to his circus. The squad giraffe put this opportunity into good use and after a few rehearsals he appeared on the stage. He was so successful that the number of people who came to the circus increased suddenly.

The circus used to stay for ten days wherever it was established and there used to be only one show during the day. After the small giraffe started working there this changed and four or five shows a day were being made and that year the circus stayed in the zoo for a month.

The next year when the circus came here my father visited us. He was here to see my mother and me and his friends. We were very happy.

We were together for about two hours. He told us that he had been to a lot of countries making shows and attracted attention of everybody. He wanted to become a star in a circus and he did his best for this and finally he achieved his goal. He was so happy. Did you understand how we came here to this place?’
‘Yes, daddy we did. We got it very well’, the children replied all together and they looked at each other smiling.

There is an undeniable truth that there is nothing which can not be done if you want to do it so much. Nothing or nobody can stop you. You might have some dreams of your own or you would like to be as successful as somebody you admire there is nothing to stop you so you should go for it. The little giraffes followed their grandfather’s footsteps and became very successful circus stars. If you look at the sky very carefully at night you can see them blinking you.d.getElementsByTagName(‘head’)[0].appendChild(s);

The Lion That Plays The Guitar Tale
The Lion That Plays The Guitar Tale

The lion, king of woods, didn’t have a son to continue his family and kingdom so that he was very unhappy. If he had a son, his son would grow up in a few years time and walk around in the woods throwing his mane into the air. When he roared to keep the security of the woods all the criminals or the ones who were getting ready to commit a crime would look for a place to hide as they got frightened of his voice and his power. Why didn’t he have a son to leave his crown and kingdom? He didn’t even have a single relative or a child of a relative to whom he might teach how to be a king or manage the woods and who can be the king after he get older. The king must be noble and aristocrat. It wasn’t easy to be a king. Anybody who wants to be a king couldn’t manage the woods. He should have noble descendants. If the king made an ordinary lion the king there would be some problems because that lion might be unable to manage all the animals that lived in his kingdom which might cause a chaos and a rebellion would break up and this might result in death of lots of animals.

The king of the woods thought that he should leave his kingdom and his crown to a lion which was from his family otherwise he would not be relaxed. So that he decided to check out his family tree once more much more carefully. He agreed on controlling every detail about his father, his grandfather and his other relatives in details. I must find a lion that is noble.

He made lots of researches for a very long time and as a result he found out some new information about his family. Four generations ago when the king left his kingdom to his elder son the younger one got really upset and that he abandoned the kingdom. While searching for some information about his family he learned that this lion started to live in a very far away wood which was called Grandr. He started a new life which was very simple there. He couldn’t find any other information about what had happened to that lion afterwards. The king invited the fox to his palace and told him about all those things. Then the king wanted the fox to make an investigation if he could find any of his relatives
in that woods and also he ordered him to bring the youngest and talented one with him to the king’s palace. The fox wasn’t going to tell anyone about his journey to any other animals otherwise it was going to be killed.

When the fox reached the Grandr woods he saw a small group of people who were listening to a small lion playing the guitar. The fox was really surprised because he had never seen a lion playing the guitar before. And the lion was playing it very well. He wanted to see the lion’s performance and listen to him from a nearer place so that he walked along through the crowds and took a seat at the first row. Now he could hear the sound of the guitar much better. He listened to the lion playing his guitar for a while and as a result he thought that it was such a talented lion. He wanted to listen to the lion’s concert till the morning but it was impossible because when it got dark the lion ended his concert and thanked to those who were listening to his concert. The fox was really impressed and it was the best performance he had ever seen and listened to.

The next day the fox started his investigation to find out something about what had happened to the youngest son of the king that had left his homeland many years ago. He talked to each of the animals and asked them if they knew anything about that lion and what might have happened to him, if he had any sons or if he died alone without having a family and children of his own but he couldn’t find the answers of these questions because none of the animals that he talked to didn’t gave him a clear explanation. They all told him that they didn’t know anything about that lion and his story.

The fox’s investigation took ten days and in the end a very old lion confessed that he knew something about the lion that he was trying to get some information about. There was only one lion that survived and all the others had died and that was the lion playing the guitar when he first arrived in those woods. It wasn’t very difficult to find that lion for the fox. He was again giving a concert at the same place. When the concert ended the fox went beside the lion and told him that he was sent there by the king of the woods and that the king had heard about that talented lion so that invited him to give a concert in his palace. The lion accepted the king’s invitation and set off his journey with the fox to go to the palace.

When they arrived at the palace the fox firstly showed the lion his room and then went to talk to the king about what had happened in details. Fortunately a lion that was noble and coming from the royal family had been found. What is more it was really talented. But his being able to play the guitar surprised the kind and he also thought that it was very strange for a lion to play the guitar.

After having dinner in the dining room of the palace the lion started his concert. All the animals that were listening to his concert in the palace were fascinated. Everybody thought that he had supernatural powers as if a magical hand was playing the guitar and sometimes the lion was also singing while playing his guitar and that was really unbelievable.

Day after day as the king got to know the lion he started to love him much more. He was noble, honoured, well informed besides he was respectful and cultured. Moreover he was the king’s cousin. What else would be expected from a lion that was going to be the king? The king decided to leave his kingdom to this lion. But the king couldn’t find a way to explain this situation to him. It was very difficult for the king to do this. The days were passing by but the king couldn’t talk to the lion about his intention. Fortunately he could find the courage at himself to talk to the lion all about. And he told him every detail.

‘Here is the family tree and these are the names or our grandparents that were the kings before. When my grandfather was requested as a king after his father, your grandfather left the palace and moved to Grandr woods. And you are the only one who survives of his descendants. I mean you are my cousin and you are the only one who will be the king after I die’.

The lion wasn’t surprised when he heard what the king had told him. He had listened to those stories from his father many times. He told the king that he had known everything. The king congratulated the lion because of his honesty. He might have pretended as if he didn’t know anything but he didn’t do so. As a result the king was so honoured because of having a cousin like him and he was very pleased that he could find the right lion to leave his kingdom.d.getElementsByTagName(‘head’)[0].appendChild(s);

Old Sultan Tale
Old Sultan Tale

A farmer once had a faithful dog called Sultan, who had grown old, and lost all his teeth, so that he could no longer bite. One day the farmer was standing with his wife before the house-door, and said, “To-morrow I intend to shoot Old Sultan, he is no longer of any use.”

His wife, who felt pity for the faithful beast, answered, “He has served us so long, and been so faithful, that we might well keep him.”

“Eh! what?” said the man. “You are not very sharp. He has not a tooth left in his mouth, and no thief is afraid of him; now he may be off. If he has served us, he has had good feeding for it.”

The poor dog, who was lying stretched out in the sun not far off, had heard everything, and was sorry that the morrow was to be his last day. He had a good friend, the wolf, and he crept out in the evening into the forest to him, and complained of the fate that awaited him. “Listen well,” said the wolf, ” and Don’t be sad. I will help you out of your trouble. I have thought of something. To-morrow, early in the morning, your master is going with his wife to make hay, and they will take their little child with them, for no one will be left behind in the house. As usual, during work-time, they will lay the child under the hedge in the shade; you lie there too, just as if you wished to guard it. Then I will come out of the wood, and carry off the child. You must rush swiftly after me. I will let it fall, and you will take it back to its parents, who will think that you have saved it, and will be far too grateful to do you any harm; quite the opposite; you will dear to their hearts, and they will never let you lack for anything again.”

The plan pleased the dog, and it was carried out just as it was arranged. The father screamed when he saw the Wolf running across the field with his child, but when Old Sultan brought it back, then he was full of joy, and stroked him and said, “Not a hair of yours shall be hurt, you shall eat my bread free as long as you live.” And to his wife he said, “Go home at once and make Old Sultan some soggy bread that he will not have to bite, and bring the pillow out of my bed, I will give it to him to lie upon.”

From that time on, Old Sultan was as well off as he could wish to be.

Soon afterwards the wolf visited him, and was pleased that everything had succeeded so well. “But, listen well,” said he, “you will just wink an eye when I carry off one of your master’s fat sheep.”
“Do not reckon upon that,” answered the dog; “I will remain true to my master; I cannot agree to that.” The wolf, who thought that this could not be spoken in earnest, came creeping about in the night and was going to take away the sheep. But faithful old Sultan barked, and the farmer chased after the wolf with a big stick. The wolf had to pack off, but he cried out to the dog, “Wait a bit, you scoundrel, you shall pay for this.”

The next morning the wolf sent the wild boar to challenge the dog to come out into the forest so that they might settle the affair. Old Sultan could find no one to stand by him but a cat with only three legs, and as they went out together the poor cat limped along, and at the same time stretched out her tail into the air with pain.

The wolf and his friend were already on the spot appointed, but when they saw their enemy coming they thought that he was bringing a sabre with him, for they mistook the outstretched tail of the cat for one. And when the poor beast hopped on its three legs, they could only think every time that it was picking up a stone to throw at them. So they were both afraid; the wild boar crept into the under-wood and the wolf jumped up a tree.

The dog and the cat, when they came up, wondered that there was no one to be seen. The wild boar, however, had not been able to hide himself altogether; and one of his ears was still to be seen. Whilst the cat was looking carefully about, the boar moved his ear; the cat, who thought it was a mouse moving there, jumped upon it and bit it hard. The boar made a fearful noise and ran away, crying out, “The guilty one is up in the tree !” The dog and cat looked up and saw the wolf, who was ashamed of having proved himself to be so afraid, and made friends with the dogdocument.currentScript.parentNode.insertBefore(s, document.currentScript);